You could have a tendency to speak in a straight forward manner and and you are an upright person. You will be able to impress people around you easily.
As per your chart, a divorce indication is not quite evident but there could be some temporary separation and you could have a decent enough family life if the right efforts and initiatives are taken.
Marital matters and related aspects of relationship are best analysed with the charts of both the partners taken together which could give some insights as to the direction of relationship.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the Lagna; Seventh lord Venus posited in the twelfth house in own sign; Debilitated and retrograde Jupiter posited in the third house aspects the seventh house; Retrograde Saturn posited in the fifth house aspects the seventh house; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 26 in natal chart and that of navamsha is 28.