You are a determined individual and you are intense at whatever you do. You have a balanced and docile thinking and you generally tend to give the benefit of doubt to everyone in life.
As per your chart, you could have a successful and happy married life. We advise you to get the chart compatibility of the future life partner checked up with an astrologer for peaceful and happy married life.
There could be possibilities of you taking spontaneous and sudden decisions with respect to everything in general, which may not be productive for you and you may like to change.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Mars posited in the seventh house; Seventh lord Venus posited in the Lagna conjunct Sun and Moon; Seventh lord Venus debilitated in Navamsha; Seventh lord of Navamsha Sun, posited in the seventh house conjunct Ketu; Exalted Jupiter conjunct Ketu posited in the ninth house in natal chart.