Dear Sana,
You have a window of opportunity to get back relationship that you have lost between March-April 2023. Let status quo be same and don't try to mend the broken engagement. You may have a talk with same person next year at the time frame mentioned and if things turn positive then good, else it's not possible after that.
Your true window of marriage timing is beginning from September 2023 and will last untill May 2026, even within this time frame year 2024 is most crucial for marriage to take place.
Starting November 2022 and untill September 2023, whoever you would meet or prospect for marriage, your life partner could be from that set of persons met.
Jup-Ketu phase will bring past life connections and would be partners in life, Jup-Venus dasha will help propel marriage matters.
Saturn in 6th transit in aquarius and Jupiter in 7th house transit in Pisces is best time for pending matters in relationship to manifest.
Navamsha also has aquarius in 7th house.
Transit of Jupiter in 9th house aspecting natal 7th lord in 2024 will be the marriage timing.