You are a soft and mild spoken individual with a calm mind-set and personality. You always look at all angles for making any decision. You would have good skills and capabilities and you could be under-confident at times.
As per your chart the current time is not a negative one, you can make things happen with some innovation and with your persistent efforts things would start changing in your favour by the end of 2022 onwards.
You can wear Opal Crystal to have good charm and positive vibes around you. Overall as per your chart you would have a successful and prosperous life. Be confident of your capabilities and experience and follow your instincts.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with lagna lord retrograde Saturn exalted and posited in the ninth house in conjunction with tenth lord a retrograde Mars; Lord of seventh house Sun posited in the fourth house conjunct Rahu; Moon conjunct retrograde Jupiter in the eleventh house.
Sun conjunct Moon in the tenth house of Dashamsha and Saturn debilitated in the twelfth house in Dashamsha; Moon Maha Dasha running with Venus Antar Dasha till March 2023.