He has a soft and tender mind and would be interested in studies to a moderate level. He would be an eloquent speaker who will not mince his words just to pacify.
He would have a good level of intelligence and would be highly observant and would learn things more by observing. He has good and supportive time going on as per his chart and if counselled could do quite well in his performance. He may have a habit of giving slack to time bound activities which he needs to overcome.
He can wear Emerald as a pendant or ring to improve the ability to focus and concentrate. He would be a successful person with good position in life.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with lagna lord Venus posited in the eighth house in conjunction with Sun and Mercury; Lord of fourth house Saturn posited in the eleventh house; Rahu posited in the fourth house.
Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 30; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Sun Antar Dasha followed by Moon Antar Dasha up to Dec 2024.