You have artistic abilities along with an acute sense and an eye for minute details. You may however some times lose your focus and persistence of efforts which you need to overcome.
Yes, as per your chart, you can select fine arts as your career along with other fields such as commerce, finance etc. You can follow your interests and passion, however, you should give sufficient time to yourself, so that you achieve a professional status in your interests and passions as it would be life long journey.
There could be some challenges initially which can be overcome with persistent efforts. You will lead a satisfactory life and would also be able to help others live their lives normally.
Best Wishes.
Kanya lagna with the lagna lord and tenth lord retrograde Mercury posited in the ninth house conjunct Sun, Moon and ninth lord Venus; Venus posited in the lagna of Navamsha in conjunction with Sun and Saturn; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the fourth house and has its full aspect on the tenth house. Ashtakavarga score of eleventh house of Navamsha is 39.