Dear Dhara,
Your chart suggests you will have issues in your Job currently, don't take a volunatry decision in matters of Job. Ideal time to change Job is post February 2023. Its possible you would be fired or removed from Job by March-April 2023 or before that, finding a Job post such an event happens will help you land in a better Job.
It may sound that you will have to wait for a negative event at work and if that is so then why not pursue something and change. Your voluntary decision out of fear will not land you in best Job from hereon.
Better, keep your savings higher and don't spend unnecessarily, even if you lose the Job, if you have some break time in hand and during that break if you pursue a good Job, then you will get it. Domain change can be evaluated but after April 2023.
Hope this clarifies your query.
End of sade-sati phase nearing, Saturn transit in aquarius next year on natal dasha lord sitting in 6th house triggers Job change. Sun - Jup phase can salvage situation and Sun-Sat dasha phase can result into a loss of Job for betterment. Job continuty is guaranteed by Dasha lord sitting in 6th although stress cannot be minimized since lord of 12th house.