You have a charming personality with an independent thinking style different from all those around you.
As per your chart, the current time is not ripe for you to get married. A conducive and positive time starts from April 2023 and it lasts for over an year, during that period you could get married.
You will have strong and emotional bond with your spouse and have a good and comfortable family life.
Best Wishes.
Mesha lagna and lagna lord retrograde Mars in sixth house conjunct Rahu; Moon debilitated in the eighth house; Seventh lord Venus in the eleventh house conjunct Mercury and Sun;
Seventh lord of Navamsha is also Venus posited in the third house of Navamsha conjunct Mercury; Jupiter posited in the seventh house of Navamsha; Jupiter transits the Mesha Rashi from April 2023 onwards giving full aspect to the seventh house.