Dear Ayza,
Your future husband or partners age will be atleast 4-5 years above you or more. His persoanlity would be of average height and if you meet him late or as he grows older he will have a balding tendency.
He will be having a professor like attitude or would try to guide you as you were his student or child.
He will be interested in spirituality in general and will have good network of well placed friends.
You could meet him or commit to him between Year 2028-2029
Venus-Saturn conjunction brings traits of them combined since venus is lord of 7th and natural karaka for relationship.
Modifications further will be refined because of Jupiter in Rahu nakshtra in 7th house. Ketu in 6th, 12th from 7th and Sun & Mars in 5th, 11th from 7th will show refections in partners life.