As per your chart, indications are that you will have up to three or four children. Although your natal chart denotes the progeny, it is imperative to compute the natal chart of your partner as well, so as to get better insights.
Your natal chart infers healthy, intelligent and achievable kids those will keep you proud.
Your children are fortunate, they will be quite sharp and good in education. Your children will be talented and will be the source of happiness for you.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the eighth house conjunct North Node (Rahu); Fifth lord Saturn retrograde and posited in the third house with full aspect on the fifth house; Moon posited in the eleventh house in own sign with full aspect on the fifth house; Ascendant lord Mercury exalted and posited in the fifth house in the Divisional Chart 7 (Saptamsha).