You could have a thinking style which may be in a particular direction which may be tangential to your requirements. Which suggests you should keep taking the opinion of your near and dear ones know you pretty well and who would always want something good and positive for you, whether in profession or in personal life.
As per your chart, the more intensely you work on a regular basis, the more success you will get. There should not be any procrastination, as you have multiple Karma Jeeva Yogas in your chart, which gives capability to rise in life in all aspects with own hard work.
You will have a good progress and professional prosperity as life goes on, just give your best every time.
Best Wishes.
Aquarius ascendant with the ascendant lord Saturn retrograde and posited in the fourth house conjunct North Node (Rahu); Sun posited in the ascendant; tenth lord Mars posited in the tenth house conjunct South Node (Ketu); Mercury posited in the twelfth house.