You have a positive and practical approach to life and you generally take all possible aspects in to consideration in all situations.
You need to be firm in your mind on most matters and convey the same in no-uncertain terms to others in the family. They would have firmed up their thinking style over the past many years, so the only way to handle such situations is with diplomacy and being firm in what you wish to communicate.
Further the current ongoing time is positively poised for you and it spans for next few years, thus this is a good time to take initiatives and make your life better.
Best Wishes.
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Mesha Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the third house; Seventh lord Venus posited in the eighth house conjunct Mercury and Rahu; Debilitated Sun conjunct Moon posited in the seventh house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing with Moon Antar Dasha.