You have a steadfast approach to acquiring things in life. You will strive and put the effort into your work to perform better every day which will ensure your progress.
Your financial situation will definitely improve and become stable. There would be a continuous and gradual improvement in your monetary situation as the current ongoing time is favourable to you till 2029 and you will build satisfactory wealth as you grow up, there may not be sudden accruals of wealth.
You will have consistent earnings and there would be a gradual progress and the primary requirement is for some control on your expenses from time to time..
Best Wishes.
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Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the tenth house; Mars posited in the Lagna in debilitation and in conjunction with Sun, retrograde Mercury and Ketu; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the sixth house aspecting the tenth house and Moon; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing currently.