You have an attractive personality with an open mind. You generally don't speak much but when you do, you speak straight and do not like to mince your words.
It is possible that you could have already met your life partner by now as per your chart, even otherwise, you would meet him anytime after Dec 2022 within fourteen months thereafter by June 2024.
You would have quite a strong bond with your husband and would be prosper in all aspects. You will have good conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Mesh lagna with lagna lord Mars in the second house; Seventh lord Venus in the fourth house conjunct Moon, Sun and retrograde Mercury.
Seventh lord Venus is conjunct Moon and Mars in Meena Navamsha; Retrograde Saturn has its full aspect on seventh lord and seventh house both.
Sun MD and Moon AD going on with Venus PD starting in Dec 2022.