You have a balanced thinking and reasoning mind-set for most of the actions in your life. You are a determined person with lot of energy, enthusiasm but you could have a tendency to delay things.
You have a pretty good time ongoing in your life currently, as per your chart and this positive period spans up to the year 2029. This year would be gracious for you and you could get some pleasant news from July 2023 onwards.
You can put in the relevant efforts as per your goals and objectives and you would get rewarded with positive results.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter retrograde and exalted in the eighth house; Moon conjunct tenth lord Mercury posited in the Lagna; Venus Maha Dasha running and spans up to 2029 and with Saturn Antar Dasha and Venus Pratyantar Dasha starts from July 2023.