Your professional career would generally be stable with a positive growth in near future. You have lots of energy, zeal and enthusiasm to take up any task.
The current ongoing time is somewhat volatile for you till around May-June 2023 and you may like to be careful in every aspect. Thereafter from June-July 2023 onwards you would have a good time in your career and life in general for almost two decades.
Overall, you would have a good and satisfying career, just be persistent with sincere and honest hard work.
Best wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the Lagna; tenth lord Mars retrograde and posited in the second house in conjunction with retrograde Jupiter, retrograde Saturn and Rahu; Venus posited in the tenth house; Ketu Maha Dasha ongoing up to May 2023; Venus Maha Dasha starts from June 2023 onwards.