You have an analytic mind with good grasp and understanding of people around you which is a pre-requisite for success in business.
As per your chart, you have quite good appetite for absorbing risk which would be a big advantage for any business. You would have satisfactory revenue from your business. Further one aspect which you may keep in check could be the expenses, as they could be higher than usual.
You could have the capability as per your chart to have a good earning from your profession. You could have the capacity to work hard than what your business requires you to, which would keep you successful.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the second house conjunct Mars; Jupiter conjunct Mercury posited in the Lagna; Tenth lord Venus posited in the twelfth house; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 37 and that of the eleventh house is 40.