You have a calm and composed personality. There could be a delay as per the indication with respect to having children.
As per your chart, there could be issue of excessive heat in your body which could be counter productive for conceiving your child. You need to keep and maintain your body internally cool by way of consuming a suitably recommended diet by a professional Nutritionist.
The current ongoing time is favourable to you till around Oct 2023 and then again from March 2024 onwards it is favourable. You would become a proud mother in due course of time.
Best Wishes.
Meena Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the ninth house conjunct Ketu; Fifth lord Moon posited in the sixth house conjunct Mars and Venus; Fifth lord Moon debilitated in the Saptamsha; Fifth lord of Saptamsha posited in the fifth house conjunct Sun, exalted Mars and Mercury; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing currently with Mercury Antar Dasha till Oct 2023 and Venus Antar Dasha starts from March 2024.