You have a charming and attractive personality and people will love to be in your company. You would be highly selective in choosing your company.
The current time is quite good for you with respect to your relationship with your better half and the possibility of a serious relationship with the person you have met is quite good. The time ahead is conducive for you.
This attraction could develop to a long-term relationship, provided there is complete open and transparent communication on every aspect of the likes and dislikes, habits, matching and opposing thoughts etc.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord posited in the ninth house in conjunction with Moon and Ketu; Lord of seventh house posited in the tenth house in debilitation and in conjunction with an exalted Jupiter, causing Neecha Bhanga Yog of Mars.
Mars debilitated and Vargottam in Navamsha; Mars currently transiting in Meena in conjunction with Jupiter; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 33 and that of seventh house of Navamsha is 34.