As per your chart, you have a steadfast approach to acquiring things in life. You will strive and put the effort into your work to perform better every day which will ensure your progress.
The field of medicine is suitable to you as per your chart and you could make a career in it, provided you put in the required hard work and efforts for qualifying. Music and related aspects of arts are also suitable to you and you can look in that direction as well.
You can make your own destiny with your determined and dedicated efforts.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the fifth house in conjunction with Mercury and tenth lord Venus; Jupiter posited in the second house; Tenth lord of Dashamsha is also Venus posited in the third house in exaltation conjunct a debilitated Mercury and retrograde Saturn; Sun conjunct Mars posited in the fifth house of Navamsha.