You have an agile mind and you could have your mood fluctuations quite often and randomly without any reason and you should take control of this.
Your future spouse would be a highly intelligent person and would probably come from a far off place with respect to your birth place or a foreign country. There could be some positive developments in this regard from Nov 2022 onwards this year when you could get in to a relationship which could last a life time.
Take things as they come, try and avoid pre-meditated opinions and approach with a free and open mind and you will be able to develop deep relationships sooner.
Best Wishes.
Sagittarius ascendant with the ascendant lord Jupiter posited in the eighth house in exaltation and in conjunction with the South Node (Ketu); Seventh lord Mercury exalted and posited in the tenth house in conjunction with Venus and Moon; Seventh lord Mercury is exalted in Divisional Chart 9 (Navamsa) also in the twelfth house; Jupiter major period ongoing and Mercury sub period starts from Nov 2022 onwards.