You are a very sensitive and emotional person while being straight-forward. You are a soft-hearted individual with generally a focussed approach towards achieving things in life.
As per your chart, except for the issue with your initial partner, there are pretty good indications of getting remarried and having a stable and happy married life.
You may plan to get remarried and not remain solo in future. It is better to get the charts matching and compatibility done from a reliable astrologer before tying the nuptial knot.
Your life would definitely get back on track and you will lead a normal life. Just be confident of your own self and your skillsets.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the fifth house; Moon posited in the twelfth house; Lord of seventh house Venus posited in the sixth house in conjunction with Mercury.
Sun posited in the seventh house; Venus posited under Bharani Nakshatra ruled by Venus; Jupiter posited in Mesh Navamsha in seventh house.