You have a hard working attitude and you are courageous and speak with conviction and force. You may need to develop a diplomatic style of communicating with others.
The current time is not conducive as per your chart till September 2022 and thereafter a moderate change can be expected during which you could expect calls for another job.
There would be however good improvement from 2024 onwards and you would have a comfortable life. You can channelise your energies and focus, in such a way that you can make the best use of the positive time coming ahead.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord Venus debilitated and posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with an exalted twelfth lord Mercury cancelling the debilitation; Tenth lord Moon posited in the tenth house conjunct a debilitated Mars, cancelling the debilitation of Mars.
Ketu Maha Dasha with Saturn Antar Dasha ongoing and Mercury Antar Dasha starts in Sep 2022 and Venus Maha Dasha starts in 2024.