As per your chart, you have a steadfast approach to acquiring things in life. You will strive and put the effort into your work to perform better every day which will ensure your progress.
The fields in which you would get good success are in Non Technical sectors, public relations, social services sector like NGOs, analytical and financial services, directly or indirectly related to government sector, writing, publishing services, horticulture sector etc.
Thus you can expect good outcomes based on your studies and efforts. You will have a good life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord and tenth lord Mercury posited in the twelfth house conjunct ninth lord Venus and Rahu; Retrograde Jupiter debilitated and posited in the fifth house; Sun posited in the eleventh house; Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 34 and that of tenth house is at 35.