You are a calm and cool person and you generally do not disturbed easily. You are a determined person with lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal to take on any task.
We do not comment on the statements of other Astrologers. Your professional forte is pretty strong as per your chart and the current time is moderately good for you and the time from Jan 2023 could be even better which spans up to 2025.
You would do good in the Govt sector. Thus you need to continue your preparations with full dedication and determination and you could succeed in your objective. You have a good professional life and will be successful, just give in your efforts consistently.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the sixth house in exaltation; Lord of tenth house Moon posited in the seventh house and lord of seventh house Mars posited in the tenth house in debilitation giving Maha Parivartan Yog; Rahu posited in the second house in natal chart and also in Navamsha.
Mars Maha Dasha with Moon Maha Dasha running till end of 2022 and Rahu Maha Dasha with Rahu Antar Dasha thereafter till 2025.