You have a cool and analytic mind with the ability to go in to minute details. You absorb things quicker than others. You would b good at analysing people around you.
As per your chart, you do have earning potential from multiple sources and you can earn through business as well as service. The fields which would be suitable to you would be Education sector, Agriculture and Horticulture sector, Milk and Related sector, Food Industry, Communication sector, Security sector etc. You may further expand on this list based on your skills and qualifications.
You have a pretty good time of your life running currently which would span till at least 2031.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with lagna lord and fourth Mercury posited in the lagna; Lord of fifth house Venus posited in the twelfth house conjunct Mars and Sun.
Jupiter posited in the fourth house conjunct retrograde Saturn; Moon posited in the tenth house with full mutual aspect with Jupiter and Saturn; Venus Maha Dasha running till 2031.