You are a diligent and hard working individual who generally doesn't accept 'No' as an answer. At times you could become less on confidence for no reason but will always shine at the end.
As per your chart, Ketu Maha Dasha started in Nov 2021 and it spans up to Nov 2028 for you. Within this the Ketu Antar Dasha spanned up to April 2022 current Antar Dasha is of Venus which is not negative for you.
Currently Under Venus Antar Dasha, Venus Pratyantar Dasha is going on which is positive, thus your hard work and efforts could fetch you positive results.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the eleventh house; Moon posited in the lagna in debilitation; Fourth lord Saturn posited in the fifth house; Ketu posited in the fourth house.
Fifth lord retrograde Jupiter debilitated and posited in the third house; Ketu Maha Dasha running with Venus Antar Dasha and Venus Pratyantar Dasha.