You have an attractive personality, with a sharp memory and a tender heart. You take things to heart quite quickly and also become emotional in your reactions, but you are a warrior and you are quite capable of fighting out adverse situations.
As per your chart, there could be some love loss or friction with your partner the first time and this would happen only once. It could be time for you to move on in life and your life would be smoother,
You should get the chart compatibility analysis of yours and that of your future spouse in detail before getting married.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the ninth house and Rahu posited in the lagna; Seventh lord Mercury posited in the eighth house and Venus is posited in the seventh house in conjunction with Sun and Ketu; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 24 and that of Navamsha is 20.