You have an independent thinking and mindset of your own. You believe in taking the world head-on in everything you do and have a determined approach.
As per your chart, you need to hold on to get to a stable environment and life which is still sometime away. The time commencing from Aug 2023 will bring positive and cheerful changes in your life from the perspectives of your career as well as other aspects of your life.
Be firm in your mind of the means you need to get to your objectives and try to find a middle way and gradually things would start changing for you.
Best Wishes.
Tula Lagna with Lagna lord in the seventh house conjunct Mercury; Moon exalted in the eighth house; Jupiter debilitated in the fourth house; Exalted Jupiter conjunct Moon in the Navamsha.
Sun-Saturn conjunction in the sixth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha and Jupiter Antar Dasha starts in Aug 2023.