You have a soft nature. You have a strong determination to undertake any task. You are a very upright person with very high values and a straight forward approach.
As per your chart, the current ongoing time is volatile and dynamic for you and in your best interest, your current focus should be on maintaining stability on all fronts, this period would start changing over from 2027 onwards and thereafter a quite prosperous time would commence.
You have a sharp mind and good skills, which you can further upgrade your skills in the domain which interests you more with respect to your profession, thus you can undertake some studies as per your plan, which would be beneficial for you.
Best Wishes.
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Mesh Lagna with the Lagna lord mars posited in the fifth house conjunct Venus; Tenth lord Saturn retrograde posited in the tenth house; Sun conjunct exalted Jupiter and Mercury posited in the fourth house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing currently and Jupiter Maha Dasha starts from mid 2027.