We presume the birth details provided are those of your father. He has good internal strength and is a confident personality. He would have good capability to fight adverse situations.
The current ongoing time is quite fluid as per his chart and things would be controllable with some efforts and punctuality. Upcoming time from July 2023 is quite favourable and conducive to him for almost two decades and he would be hale hearty.
Take good care of him for the next few months and everything is going to be fine.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury debilitated and posited in the tenth house in conjunction with Moon and Ketu; Sixth lord Mars posited in debilitation in the second house; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 31; Ketu Maha Dasha ongoing till July 2023 and Venus Maha Dasha starts thereafter.