You are an honest and hard working individual who has a strong determination to achieve things you decide. Currently your professional career is stable and would remain so, with a positive growth in the near future.
You will have a steady flow of income and it will increase to good proportions and you need not change your job. The current period is positive for you and you will see good improvements and changes in the near future, especially the period till 2025 is good for your career and professional progress.
You have good indications of wealth accrual in your chart and it will grow with time.
Best Wishes.
Simha lagna with lagna lord Sun posited in the tenth house in conjunction with the tenth lord Venus and Mercury; Jupiter posited in the Lagna; Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu posited in the Simha lagna of Dashamsha.
Venus Maha Dasha is ongoing with Moon Antar Dasha till the end of 2024 and Mars Antar Dasha starts therefater.