You have an agile and energetic personality. You like to put in every effort to achieve your objectives in life.
Astrology can provide compatibility between two individuals and it cannot analyse whether you get married to a particular person. Notwithstanding this, it is possible for you to get married to your boyfriend, but there could be some delay in that.
The current ongoing time is not favourable for your marriage and a conducive period starts from the year 2026.
Best Wishes.
Mesha Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in its own sign in the eighth house; Retrograde Jupiter and seventh lord retrograde Saturn posited in the Lagna; Seventh lord Saturn exalted in the Navamsa; Venus is exalted in the seventh house in Navamsa conjunct Sun; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 17; Venus Maha Dasha ongoing and Saturn Antar Dasha starts in March 2026.