You have quite good oratory skills which gives you the ability to convince others comfortably with your views, this is an essential quality to succeed in life.
Your future life partner would be of good height, a soft and sober person with mild and impressive speech. His sheer presence would keep you cheerful and in good mood. The possibility of your coming to know about your future life partner could be there in 2025 or 2026.
You have a happy, contended and fulfilling life with your partner.
Best Wishes.
Makara lagna with the lagna lord Saturn posited in the sixth house conjunct Venus; Seventh lord Moon is debilitated and posited in the eleventh house in natal chart and in the Kanya Navamsha in the third house in D9.
Sun, Retrograde Mercury, Mars and Jupiter posited in the eighth house; Jupiter transits to seventh house in 2026; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing and Moon Antar Dasha starts in 2024 and spans up to the end of 2025.