You would handle difficult situations in a very systematic way. You will have a good and satisfying career.
The fields which would be suitable to you and those in which you would excel to a good position would be those related to homeland security like Armed Forces, Police, Security Services, fields related to agricultural and farm production either directly or indirectly, healthcare and medical sector, logistics and supply-chain. You would succeed if you are connected to these sectors either directly or even indirectly.
You have a good earning potential and you would be able to make a good name for yourself in your profession and society. You have quite a good professional career and you will do good in life. You will have considerable earnings by around 48 years age.
Best Wishes.
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Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the Lagna; Tenth lord Sun posited in the ninth house and ninth lord Moon posited in the tenth house giving a strong Parivartan Yog pertaining to benefic ninth house and tenth house; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 30.