You have high energy levels, excellent communication ability and you have the attributes of a go-getter and a person who can drive a group to achieve something big.
You would excel quite nicely in fields where you can lead a team of people to achieve a certain task. You can do well in fields like public administration, management roles, marketing of products and services, media industry, government sector etc.
These are some sectors, you can expand on this based on your qualifications and skillsets. With sustained hard work you will achieve a good position.
Best Wishes.
Mesha lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the sixth house conjunct Jupiter and Moon; Sun posited in own sign in fifth house and Saturn retrograde and posited in own sign Aquarius in the eleventh house, with mutual aspect with Sun.
Mercury posited in the fourth house under Aslesha Nakshatra with full aspect on the tenth house.