You have high level of compassion and caring for others. You can sense things very appropriately and much better than those around you. You have a soft, gentle and sober personality.
As per your chart, you have a good professional life and career and your earnings also would be satisfactory, thus you can focus on your professional life as per your skill sets. Also taking up a business on your own is also suitable to you, which would keep you grossly satisfied.
You have a good life ahead, just look for opportunities around you within your reach and if required get advice from your near and dear ones.
Best Wishes.
Tula Lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the fifth house conjunct Jupiter and Ketu; Tenth lord Moon posited in the fourth house; Exalted Sun conjunct a debilitated Saturn and Mars posited in the seventh house; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 33.