You have quite a magnetic personality with sharp looks. You tend to take care of all relationships and always have an active life.
As per your chart, there could be a slight delay in your marriage, which is quite nominal and will be good as you and your future partner, both will have mature minds, which is better for leading a happy life with mutual understanding. The time commencing from April 2024 onwards is favourable as per your chart for you to get married.
Your future partner will be a handsome person and will have a well built figure. He will be having a family oriented soft character with good intelligence.
Best Wishes.
Scorpio ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the ninth house in debilitation conjunct an exalted Jupiter and seventh lord Venus; Saturn posited in the third house with full aspect on the ninth house; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 35; Jupiter transits in to seventh house from April 2024.