You would have a soft and sweet speech and you do not like being straight forward with people in general and generally are diplomatic.
The current ongoing time is not conducive and good for you to get married till around April 2023 and there after you can plan and decide a time to get married, as the time thereafter is favourable for almost an year till May 2024.
As per your chart you have a blessed married life with conjugal happiness. You would have a very strong bond with your life partner and it would be a long lasting and successful conjugal relationship.
Best Wishes.
Aries ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the tenth house in exaltation giving the Ruchak Yog and in conjunction with Sun; Seventh lord Venus posited in the eleventh house conjunct Saturn; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 39.
North Node (Rahu) major period is ongoing with Saturn sub period till April 2023 and Mercury sub period starts thereafter; Jupiter transits to Aries aspecting the seventh house, in April 2023 and continues for one year.