We presume the birth details shared by you are those of your child. The child would be a free thinker and have an open and docile mind. It would be difficult for accepting people and things of lower standards.
There could be some delay in getting married. The upcoming time from April 2023 onwards is conducive for the marriage.
They would take good time to assess everyone who come across and that could cause some delays but would ensure good and lasting partnership. The partner would be soft natured and energetic and with good intuition.
Best Wishes.
Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in a Kendra in fourth house conjunct a debilitated Jupiter and Sun; Seventh lord Mars posited in the third house conjunct Rahu; Venus Maha Dasha ongoing with Rahu Antar Dasha and Jupiter Antar Dasha starts from April 2023 onwards.