You have a pleasant personality with a tendency to become serious spontaneously. You have a unique thinking style.
As per your chart, the time for your marriage is in the near future. The probable time when you could get married starts from May 2024 and spans for one year thereafter and if the marriage doesn't happen during this period the next period starts from March 2026 onwards. But the former period is a stronger one.
Your future spouse would be a person with medium height slim and athletic built. He would be a good family man who will be around you and take care of everything.
Best Wishes.
Capricorn ascendant with the ascendant lord Saturn posited in the third house; Sun posited in the ascendant; Seventh lord Moon posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with Mercury and a retrograde Venus.
Jupiter transits to Taurus in May 2024 when it will have sextile aspect on the seventh house, also, Moon Major period and sub period starts in May 2024.