You have good looks and attractive features. You have deep emotions and sentiments about people around you and you don't share them so easily.
The current upcoming time from May 2022 is conducive for you with respect to your marriage and you could get married within eighteen months approximately and you may have to put some effort for that to get accomplished.
You have a satisfactory and fulfilling life ahead. Your husband would be a very energetic and fun loving individual with a soft mind.
Best Wishes.
Pisces Ascendant with Ascendant lord Jupiter in the third house conjunct Mars; Seventh lord Mercury in the twelfth house conjunct Rahu, Venus and Sun.
Seventh lord of natal chart and Navamsha, both is Mercury; Saturn transits to Aquarius the eleventh house from Moon from May 2022 and Jupiter transits to its own sign and Ascendant from April 2022.