As per your chart, you are blessed with the happiness of progeny and you would be a proud mother.
The upcoming time is positive for you from April 2023 onwards within an year or so you should be able to conceive. You need to take good care of your body and keep your body cool, maintain a good diet and take professional medical advice as required.
Other factors are also required to be considered such as the analysis of your partner's chart, which will give complete picture.
Best Wishes.
Leo ascendant with the ascendant lord Sun posited in the ascendant conjunct Mercury; Fifth lord Jupiter posited in the fifth house; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 31; Fifth lord of divisional Chart 7 (Saptamsha) Venus is posited in the seventh house of DC 7 conjunct Moon; Jupiter transits to Aries in April 2023 giving full aspect to its own fifth house.