As we can see from your chart you are an upright person with calm mind and a sweet speech and you will be able to impress people around you easily. You have a good memory and retention capability.
As per your chart, you have a purnayu yoga, which confers a life extending up to 100 years. You could have some health ailments after the age of 75 years and frailty of your health and energy could be there.
You will be quite learned and knowledgeable in spiritualism and you have a pretty good and successful life with good name and fame.
Best Wishes.
Simha lagna with lagna lord Sun in the lagna conjunct Venus and retrograde Mercury; Jupiter exalted conjunct Ketu in the twelfth house and Jupiter is in Kanya Navamsha conjunct Sun. Purnayu Yoga exists.
Ketu Maha Dasha with Saturn Antar Dasha starts in 2066. Ashtakavarga scores of seventh house of natal chart and navamsha are high.