You have a strong and attractive personality. You have quite a different style of thinking. Your bent of mind is differently made towards accepting or denying things, people and situations in life.
Thus for people with such attributes sometimes it takes a little bit more time for them to find a suitable life partner. As both, you and your partner, need to have good mutual understanding and compatible despite being unique.
The current ongoing time is favourable to you to find a suitable partner and tie the nuptial knot and this conducive time spans up to Feb 2025.
Best Wishes.
Scorpio ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the seventh house; Seventh lord Venus posited in the ninth house conjunct an exalted Jupiter and South Node (Ketu); Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 34 and that in the divisional chart 9 (Navamsha) is 31; North Node (Rahu) major period is ongoing with Jupiter sub period and spans up to Feb 2025.