As per your chart you will have a stable career and you have moderate chances of securing a Government job, but there could be a delay in this, still you can make it with your determined efforts and hard work.
The upcoming time from Jan 2023 onwards you have a positive time up to May 2023 when you can expect positive news of course commensurate with your hard work and efforts.
You need to commit yourself to the needs of the moment and remain focussed on your goals without getting distracted by the routine chores.
Best Wishes.
Makara Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the twelfth house conjunct retrograde Mercury; Retrograde Venus, Sun and Rahu posited in the Lagna; Moon posited in the tenth house and Mars posited in its own sign in the eleventh house; Mars posited in the eleventh house in own sign Dashamsha also conjunct Moon and Rahu; Ashtakavarga scores of tenth and eleventh houses are 34 and 35 respectively.