You would have quite good capabilities and you would be efficient in delivering service. At the same time you could have some self doubt, which you need to overcome real progress in your life.
The current ongoing time is favourable to you till Nov 2023 and thereafter you have quite good time for your career starting from Jan 2025. So you could have a stable job in the near future.
Astrology provides a general direction and the results depend on a large extent commensurate to our efforts. As per your chart, you would have a good time ahead in your life.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the third house in exaltation and in conjunction with a debilitated Jupiter; Tenth lord Sun posited in the sixth house in exaltation and in conjunction with Venus; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 33; Venus Maha Dasha ongoing with Mercury Antar Dasha till Nov 2023; Sun Maha starts from Jan 2025.