You are a fun loving individual and have an open mind and are always approachable by others.
There could be some delay in you having your baby and the upcoming time from April 2023 onwards is a good one for you to be able to conceive and have your baby, this favourable time extends up to one year.
You need to go for thorough professional medical check up and advice and follow a suitable to nutrition and diet to keep your body cool and fit while maintaining an optimum hormonal balance.
Best Wishes.
Gemini ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the ascendant in conjunction with fifth lord Venus; South Node (Ketu) posited in the fifth house; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house in natal chart is 27 and the Ashtakavarga score of fifth house of Divisional Chart 9 (Navamsha) is 30; Seventh lord Jupiter transits the Aries from April 2023 onwards giving full aspect to the fifth house raising possibility of conception.