You care a lot about relationships, culture and traditions. You give weightage to maintaining relationships. You have a dynamic and agile personality with sweet speech.
The possibility of your coming to know about your future life partner does exist from 2024 onwards. You are quite fortunate in terms of your future spouse or soulmate.
He would have good height, longish face with a deep voice. He would be a professional and would be in a good position and from a well to do family background. It is possible that you could meet suddenly without realizing it, which will get followed by a courtship period.
Best Wsihes.
Cancer ascendant with the ascendant lord Moon posited in the second house conjunct a retrograde Jupiter; Lord of seventh house Saturn posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with Mars.
Sun exalted and posited in the tenth house conjunct the North Node (Rahu); Seventh lord Saturn is posited in own sign Aquarius in the eighth house in the Divisional Chart 9.