You have a soft and mild character and you like to keep things to yourself. You have sharp and good looks.
The current time is good for you to meet or come to know about your soulmate and this favourable time extends till mid of next year 2023 and thereafter again you have a favourable time starting in 2024 when you can expect some positive development in this regards.
You could come know about your future spouse without your realising it and it will dawn on you gradually about the same.
Best Wishes.
Capricorn ascendant with the ascendant lord Saturn exalted and posited in the tenth house in conjunction with South Node (Ketu); retrograde Jupiter debilitated and posited in the ascendant; Seventh lord Moon posited in the twelfth house and Venus, Mercury and Mars posited in the seventh house; Jupiter's current transit in Pisces aspecting the seventh house and next it transits Taurus in 2024 sextile to seventh house.